Hey all,
This is Jay here. I know that Janet writes on this thing for the most part but I figured that I would take a turn informing y'all as to the progress of our meanderings.
Today we left the Chestnut Ridge after a month of chilling out and being farmers (more chilling than farming to be sure). It was a fond farewell as the time we had spent on that hill top was the shit. Tom fed us like crazy and treated us like family. I got to play with chainsaws and built a log table among the many more mundane, but still fun tasks of everyday property maintenance.
Christmas was rad as hell too. The sun was shining and the temperature hovered around fifteen degrees for most of the afternoon. We spent some time suntanning in the far orchard, reading and drinking beer. I bought Janet a giant chocolate bar, our only contribution to the consumerist shit show that is the holiday season.
Driving down from Tom's was a bit ridiculous. Nobody in this country uses turn signals. I figure Americans must a sixth sense that picks up the random movement of traffic on the nations freeways. I wish I had this skill as we were cut off at a rate of twice a mile over the last half hour before crossing the Golden Gate bridge. Elwood managed to emerge from the trial unscathed and we even caught a glimpse of Alcatraz as we descended into the city.
Now we are sitting in our friend Jess' living room in San Fransisco waiting for party time to arrive. It seems as though we will be going to a house party featuring a bouncing castle as well as free tacos and Pabst. I don't know how this event could get any better.
Take care my friends,