Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sunrise in Merida

After two bus rides of about 35 hours total, we stepped into the colonial jungle of the Yucatan this morning and watched the sun rise over steamy Merida.

We got fed up with the cold front in Texas and decided that our trip wouldn't be complete without travelling into Mexico. We have two weeks to see the ruins from Ruta Puc to Chichen Itza and Tulum and to enjoy the hospitality and cuisine of the Mayans.

Expect more updates soon and some retrospective on the last three weeks. We haven't had a steady internet connection for a while but we have plenty of pictures to illustrate our journey from the Californian desert through Arizona, New Mexico and finally Texas.

1 comment:

  1. Hello from your fellow Chocolate Mountaineers, Fi and Sam! So, you seem to have beaten us to it to Mexico. Gasp. This is great news although we are a teeny bit jealous. We are poised about 20 miles from the border at Brownsville, TX, about to begin our descent first thing Tuesday. Three days ago we were in Florida, so we have driven 1500 miles almost nonstop and are pretty exhausted though very eager to get into a new country. Our route is down the east coast to the Yucatan, so pls pass on your highlights and favourites... Sounds like the wwoofing is going well, that's cool. Hope the rest of your stay with Gordon was awesome and we trust that Jeff Downer and/or the Yardbirds made a few more appearances. We remember our four days most fondly! Anyway, enjoy TX, we had a blast - mostly at Big Bend NP, at the Greuene hall near Austin, and of course following that delicious scent of Bar-B-Q.... eat well and stay happy! Love F and S xx
